01/31/2024 19:30 → Club hall

With his latest album, Dzsenga is trying his hand at old school Hip-Hop in a whole new guise. The new album features a new producer and even new lyrics and flows.
His first show was sold out and he is trying to level up his career here at Turbina. A new producer mixed and mixed the album, he will also be spinning the records, Mr. Dirty will be behind Dzsenga’s set!
Andris Szabó will be warming up the stage for the guys! Andris is more into singing and trap-pop, he will bring his best songs for his first live performance!
Szabó Andris – opening act
Mr. Mocskos – producer

Buy Ticket

Early bird / 2000 Ft
Presale / 2500 Ft
At the door/ 3000 Ft

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