Transzház bemutatja: Zephira + Rézeleje Fanfárosok
The Trans House is a collective of musicians and concert organisers. Their work focuses on exploring the intersection of traditional world music and cross-genre improvisation. Their aim is to bring to life a series of events where music is present as a long process, similar to dance halls, folk pubs or even ritual events. The musicians involved always know the tradition in depth, ensuring that the deeper layers of the tradition can work, maintaining or even giving new context to these musical encounters. These occasions are part of a larger community experiment where multiple event formats, musical traditions and formations come together. They also have a social function, where participants dance, talk or just listen to the music.
Members of the Trans House Collective:
András Halmos
Gergő Kováts
Saïd Tichiti
Soma Salamon
Fanni Zahár
Zephira is a new bright spot in the Hungarian music scene, combining folk music, turn-of-the-century nostalgia and jazz sounds in a unique way. The singers of the acapella trio Melinda Balogh, Bori Fekete and Petra Kész are permanent members and guest performers of several world music, folk music and jazz formations, and their diverse musical knowledge gives the songs a new sound.
The Rézeleje Fanfares play mainly Moldavian and Balkan dance music. Wherever they appear, they evoke the atmosphere of how folk melodies live on in their original medium in the modern age: played on modern instruments, with the crisp sound of a brass band. And if there is any folk music that can be enjoyed without any special dance skills, it is the music of the Csángó and Balkan peoples.