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Slam Poetry Budapest Club

14.02.2024 WednesdayClub Hall

Come and try your hand at Hungary’s longest running slam poetry club!
Slam Poetry Budapest Club continues its 15-year mission at its newest venue, the Turbina Cultural Center!
(Address: Vajdahunyad utca 4, Budapest 1082)
Before 22 January 2024 at 00:00, all entries are invalid.
Thank you for your understanding!
Where can you register?
By e-mail to [email protected].
Please write “SPB CLUB FEBRUARY 2024” in the subject line.
The entry is on a first-come, first-served basis.
There are 6 places for the Open Mic and 16 places for the competition.
Those who apply for the competition, please:
– enter your name or artist name,
– and also indicate in your application if you do not wish to be included in the hat or on the waiting list.
You can check your entry into the competition here at the event, no separate notification will be sent, for reasons of reducing digital junk.
Please share the event on your own profile if your name is in one of the hats and invite as many of your friends as possible to support the success of the event. Thank you.

We will also keep an attendance sheet – if you have registered for the Open Mic or the competition and do not register in person at the staff table by the start time (19:00) or do not notify your cancellation 2 days before the event by 20:00 at [email protected], you will not be allowed to register for the next club night.
Anyone who does not register by the start time (19:00) will lose their place in the competition and will be placed on the waiting list for the next one.
Individual time limit: 3 minutes (+15 seconds respect time)
Team time limit: 4 minutes (+15 seconds time limit)
18:00 Gate opening
19:00 Open Mic
19:30 Slam Competition
The competition will consist of 2 blocks with a 15 minute break between the 2 blocks. In each block, 8-8 competitors will be drawn from the hat.
Previous hat:
Ádám Németh ‘Bambusz’
Mihály Rostás
Zsófi Barát
Janka Dáné
Bálint Esti
Szoó Virág
Jáger Borcsi
Vivien Perei
Péter Molnár
Nóri Ujszászi
Sándor Berta
Ádám Lili
Sárközi Bence “Pam-Pam”
Szil Jázmin
Ágnes Elek
Bendegúz Ódor
Slam waiting list:
Open mic:
Nyulász Lelle
Olga Galsi
Lelle Lelle Lelle Lelle Lelle Lelle Lelle Lelle Lelle
Hosted by Péter Mészáros and István Pion
DJ: I-Lab a.k.a. Leengum
Total prize money: 30.000.- HUF (5-10-15.000.-)
Cancellation, other club related info also via email: [email protected]
The event will be audio and video recorded.
We reserve the right to change the programme.