3.12. Saturday 12:00 → All house
Napturbina ❍ Obroni ❍ Disko Oriente

Disko Oriente and Obroni  will use their common superskills for the first time, in order to give a biorhythm-protecting treatment to the propellers of Napturbina!

Next to the dances in the Main Hall, heated up by nonchalant exotics and groovy houses, on the first floor the Turbina Bazaar and the pop-up manicure salon of Dracula Nails will fill up the holes in your Saturday afternoon, while in the Club Hall, the Rambó performance of Lili Raubinek, Patrik Kelemen and János Szabó will uncover macho culture for us.

Buy Ticket

Early Bird:

1500 huf

Normal price:

2000 huf

Dance-music events and concerts held in the Turbina building can only be visited with a certificate of protection / EESZT application or EU Covid-card.
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