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Kikeltető Third Clubnight

25.11.2021 Thursday18:00Main Hall

This fall, Kikeltető will introduce their most interesting newcomers during four evenings.

SUPPORT KERET BLOGOT AND KIKELTETŐ: https://keretblog.hu/donate/

Bebe would like to bring sad-feminist, angry, but still cute bubblegum-type rap to Hungary. The two painters from The Hungarian University of Fine Arts were inspired mostly by their private life, but we can also catch snippets from the hungarian public sphere in their songs, they are not really looking for fame, but would for sure always say yes to performing in Toldi.

The Kecskemét based Bonerjams has three members, who are trying to inspire each other in setting their creativy free, with little to no compromise. Their music is progressive, filled with a lot of guitars, loud and chaotic. Their first album and music video are already available online, for anyone who would like to get to know the band a little better.

Hűvös is a band of four members, formed through simple high school jamming. Only two of their songs are available yet online, but they have beenthe opening artist for many bands already, for example Carson Coma. Their charismatic frontman has an easily recognizable voice, which they combine with romantic tunes and the sound of british indie rock. In our opinion, they are on the right path to become one of our new favourite bands to dance and hum along to.

The Sophie M project has been on the underground music palette for a while now, but with their new EP, the duo definitely brought some extra sparkle into their work: they ecided to move from mixed pop to electronic dance music. Their inspiration comes from a quite wide range of music, from classical music to Soundcloud rap, they soak up everything, and create something new from it. While we would recommend listening to their older music on long walks, their new EP Cerberus is more of an eclectic- house party compatible material.

During the concerts, we would like you to wear your mask. Entry only with certificate of protection.