4.07. Friday 23:00 → Main hall
KamAnalóg: 1989

The KamaRave team invites you to travel back in time. This time, our destination is the second summer of love, the free and happy 1989. In that year, we lived in timeless times: the Berlin Wall came down, the Soviet Union was abolished and finally. And in the grey of foggy Britain, colours had for a time moved into the grey. The timeless acid house was born.


23:00-00:00 LeviLevi (hybrid szett)
00:00-01:00 Meduzah
01:00-03:00 Acideal w/ Flipo (live)
03:00-04:00 Bagocs (live)
04:00-05:00 Telesport (live)


before midnight

2500 huf

after midnight

3000 huf

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