Csinszka live debute koncert + OPEN exhibition opening
Csinszka’s live debut concert in the Turbina concert hall!
Csinszka Csernik, the singer-songwriter from Transylvania, Budapest, after a few years of concert break, will be performing for the first time on stage and presenting her debut album ‘Finally Opening Up’. In her work so far she has experimented with elements of alternative r&b, hip hop, fusion jazz and pop/electronica. With his improvisational melodic world and honest lyrics, he maps out a 12-step journey on his album, mixing live and digital sounds to create a hybrid bunch of songs.
keyboards – Barnabás Szabolcs Fodor
bass guitar – Misa Ujjj
drums Puchner – Benedek
guitar – Papp Mukunda
OPEN exhibition opening:
Csinszka’s melodies inspired us to create an installation setting for a synthesis of the concert experience. We take the making of the album and its circumstances as a starting point, combining several media to create an eclectic yet personal space. The exhibition will also feature photographs by Anna Szofi Vitray, as well as textiles by Sára Kocsis, which were created during a project with the singer.
The OPEN exhibition will also take place in the upstairs Exhibition Hall of the Turbina Cultural Centre on 19 January 2024 from 19.00.
The exhibition will be curated and opened by Blanka Danyi