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11.11.2021 Thursday18:00Exhibition Space

The 26. COP, the climate change conference of the U.N.. All of the world leaders are there, David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg attended as well. The politicians could fill their empty promises with meaning.

Members of Fridays For Future and Extinction Rebellion will show you the real behind the scenes of the conference, they tell us about their latest activity and the effects of the congress. A Fridays For Future és az Extinction Rebellion mozgalom tagjai betekintést nyújtanak nekünk a mozgalmuk kulisszái mögé, mesélnek nekünk legutóbbi akcióikról, valamint a csúcskongresszus hatásairól!

Let’s look out for each other. If you feel sick, please stay at home. Bring your certificate of protection and wear a mask.