The discovery of JÖYRÖM is a collective mission, and has never been more important than this April. The AZVLM collective is preparing another all-day event, filling all the spaces of Turbina with music, performances, workshops and other small artistic delights that will eventually add up to a collective good mood!
A combination of everyday little pleasures that we tend to underestimate. The thing about JÖYRÖM is that we often don’t recognise it, we don’t notice it, but most of all we don’t take the time to appreciate it. And yet, it is the essential support that helps us through the gray.
In our usual party culture-inspired event, we take the social programmes that create only the most liberating moments and transform them into a true AZVLM afternoon session turned into an evening madness.
Give us our daily JÖYRÖM today!
・Tolvaj Levi és a Tündércseppek
/secret headliner, very famous/
・Y☮Y☮ T3CH-R4P
/secret headliner, very hot, very fresh/
・Betá Betá
/Somló Dávid, Kecsmáry Zsolt, Zahár Fanni,Mészáros Ádám, Vereb Szabolcs/
・Kidwar LIVE
・Render x 143 A/V
/TD/X, Babba:von, Mamma, barni, Emcsi, Polyp/
/Szalai Anna, Szalóczy Dóra/
/with BOLYGÓ by Greeanpeace/
・Rúna anyó iránymutatásai
/Trömböczky Napsugár puppet performance/
・Willany Leó /Engelmann András, Gaál Júlia, Keresztes Patrik Ádám, Lukács Levente, Rácz Réka/