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triola gang x BÖBE

13.01.2024 Saturday20:00Clubroom
~ triola gang
downward millenial trap from the triangle
The triola gang is a trap duo of Zsófi Balogh (Sofiyeah) and Fanny Gyarmati (Flanger Kids).In the summer of 2022 they were listening to a trap playlist, Fanny wrote a basic track with the exclamation „grab my beer, I can do that”, and Zsófi released the deep slumbering rapper. Thus were born the two singles Kislány and Háda, followed by two EPs: wish I was alive and Noch heißóbb Feuer. Their label is Move Gently Records. They define their style as quality trash.
Még Forróbb Tűz EP:
BÖBE, the Budapest-born singer-songwriter-producer has been creating in the bittersweet pop genre since 2019. In recent years, he has performed his songs on several Hungarian festival stages and in major European cities, and in 2022 he and his band will perform at the Papp László Sport Arena in Budapest and the Audi Arena in Győr. With Glamour Women of The Year „Female Vocalist of the Year” nominations and a special concept debut EP (Scale of Tones, 2019), as well as a concept album Poisoned Paradise (2022), she has become increasingly known for her solo project.
In May 2023, he premiered his first Hungarian-language song in a special music video collaboration and released his EP in his native language, EGYMÁS OTTHONA.