1.10. Wednesday 19:00 → Main hall
Vecsei H. Miklós (QJÚB) and Balla Gergely (Platon Karataev) József Attila-night

What does Attila József mean to us? We know his life. We have our favourite poems by him. We reinterpret and reinterpret his lines at different stages of our lives. But we rarely reflect on the devastating passion and desire to love that lived in him. “Attila József, with the power of madness, sometimes reached deeper with a single word than anyone before him”, wrote Sándor Márai in his diary. It is from this depth that Miklós H. Vecsei draws, from which he tries to show the poet’s life, his loves and his poetic passages.
The performance is planted.

Miklós Vecsei H. (QJÚB)
Gergely Balla (Platon Karataev)
19:00 / Opening of the gates
20:00-22:00 / Programme

Buy Ticket
Early Bird / 2500 Ft
Presale / 3500 Ft
At the venue / 4500 Ft
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